Privacy Policy

Effective date : November 22, 2023

1. Scope and application

Montreal Impact Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the "Foundation" or "we") is committed to protecting the personal information it regularly collects, uses, discloses, and retains about individuals who interact with it as part of its mission and charitable activities. It is important for us to be transparent and provide you with information regarding the types of personal information we collect, how we use that information, the individuals to whom we disclose it, as well as the purposes and reasons for such collection, use, and disclosure. We also want you to be aware of your rights regarding your privacy and its protection. This policy applies to the personal information the Foundation collects when you attend one of our events, participate in a charitable activity, visit our website (the "Site"), interact with us on social media, you or your child participate in our events, apply for a career opportunity with us, and/or act as a volunteer, or through any other interaction you may have with us.

We collect, use, disclose, and retain your personal information only with your consent or as permitted by law. If you provide us with personal information about another person, you are responsible for obtaining that person's consent or, in the case of a minor, the parent, legal guardian, or authorized representative's consent. See Section 7, Personal Information of Minors, for more details.

This policy does not apply to third-party social media, websites, or applications (e.g.,, Facebook, LinkedIn), even if these third-party sites refer you to the Foundation's Site or if it is possible to access third-party sites through links shared by the Foundation. Please refer to Section 8, Third-Party Websites.

This policy also does not apply to the collection, use, and disclosure by the Foundation of personal information regarding its employees or volunteers, which is covered by a separate policy.

2. What is a « Personal Information »?

"Personal information" refers to any information that identifies, relates to, describes, or can reasonably be associated with a particular individual. This includes information such as your name, or the names of your parents if you are a minor, your contact details, your date of birth, your payment information, and personal health information (for example, relevant allergies or other pertinent health details). It may also include more technical information, such as your IP address, web browser settings, and the unique identifier of your device, but only when this information can be used to identify you as an individual. Information that is anonymized and cannot be associated with an identifiable individual is not considered personal information, as long as it is reasonable to foresee in the circumstances that this information can no longer, in an irreversible manner, be used to directly or indirectly identify the individual.

3. What categories of Personal Information do we collect?

We limit the collection of personal information to what is reasonably necessary to achieve the purposes for which it is collected, as described in Section 5, How Do We Use Your Personal Information? The information we collect varies depending on the type of interaction you have with us.

  • Identification Information : such as name, mailing address, phone number, username, email address, IP address, and signatures or identification document details.
  • Payment Information : such as credit or debit card numbers and a record of your donations or purchases when you make donations or purchases on our website.
  • Online Activity Information : including IP addresses, sections viewed on our Site, and language preferences. We generally collect this information when you visit our Site using cookies or similar technologies. We treat this information as personal information when it can be used to identify you.


  • Information from Social Media: When you interact with us through social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, and YouTube, these platforms may share certain information with us, such as your name, gender, profile picture, likes, comments, interests, demographics, etc. This information is shared with us subject to the privacy policies of the respective social media platforms and is not governed by this Policy. You can control the information we receive by adjusting your privacy settings on each social media platform.
  • Information Collected by Video Surveillance : For security purposes, we may use video surveillance at Stade Saputo and Centre Nutrilait during events at these locations. This collection is subject to applicable privacy laws, and this information may only be shared under limited circumstances.
  • Professional Information : When you apply for a job offered by the Foundation or if you offer your professional services through our Site, via email, phone, or in person, we collect information about your professional experience and education. We collect personal information contained in your application, such as your CV, cover letter, salary or fee expectations, and any information generated in connection with your application to evaluate your candidacy and determine if we will offer you a position or if you will be considered for a job. If your professional services are selected, we will collect and retain your contact details, bank account information, passport information, visa or work permit, as well as any additional information you provided in your application. We collect this information directly from you.
  • Other Information : such as spoken language, age, date of birth, gender, language, and communication preferences, as well as any other information you directly provide to us when you communicate with us in person, by phone, or by email.

4. How do we collect your Personal Information?

We collect personal information in various ways, including directly from you, from third parties, through our Site, and generally from the following sources:

a. Directly From You :

We may collect personal information directly from you in the following situations:

  • When you purchase tickets for a Foundation event;
  • When you submit a project through the Foundation’s website;
  • When you make a donation;
  • When you register yourself or your child for an event run by the Foundation;
  • When you interact with us on social media platforms;
  • When you subscribe to our newsletter;
  • When you participate in a Foundation fundraising activity, such as the 50/50 draw at Saputo Stadium or any other fundraising event;
  • When you participate in partner events organized by the Foundation;
  • When you provide us with your CV and the information it contains to apply for a job or volunteer opportunity with the Foundation or to offer your services;
  • When you act as a volunteer for the Foundation.

b. Automatically Through Our Website

We or our service providers, who assist us in maintaining and operating our Site, may also automatically collect the following information related to your access to and use of our Site through cookies, authorization tokens, web beacons, and other technologies: your domain name; your browser type and operating system; your type of computer or mobile device; the pages you visit; the links you click; your IP address; the duration of your visit or use of the service; and how you use the service.

We may use various technological methods to track user activity on our websites, including the following methods:

Cookies : Cookies are small information files stored in your browser on your computer or mobile device. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our websites. Users may have the option to configure their computer or device to accept all cookies, to be notified when a cookie is generated, or to refuse cookies altogether. If you configure your browser to refuse cookies, you may not be able to take full advantage of all the functions of our websites.

Authorization Tokens : We may allow you to use certain third-party site accounts (e.g., LinkedIn, Google) to authenticate and log in to certain parts of our websites using these third-party accounts. If you allow the use of a third-party service for authentication, depending on the configuration of that service, we may receive user login information or an identifier or anonymous token.

Web Beacons : Web beacons are small data elements embedded in the images of web pages. We may use these technical methods to analyze traffic patterns on our websites and services. These technical methods may involve the transmission of information either directly to us or to another party authorized by us to collect information on our behalf. We may also use these technical methods in HTML emails we send to determine whether you have opened these emails or clicked on links within the emails. The information collected through the use of these technical methods may be collected in an anonymized form.

Third-Party Web Analytics : We may use automated tools and applications, such as Google Analytics, to evaluate the use of our websites and services. We may also use other analytical tools to assess our services. We use these tools to help us improve our services, performance, and user experiences. These entities may use cookies and other tracking technologies to perform their services. 

Location Data : We may determine the approximate location of your computer or device from your IP address. We collect and use this information to, for example, calculate the number of people visiting our Site from certain geographic regions.

c. Through Third-Party Sources

With your consent or where permitted by law, we collect personal information from third parties such as our business partners and service providers, including those who operate Fondatic during donations or event registrations.

d. From Publicly Accessible Sources

From publicly accessible sources, such as public records, search engines, and media.

5. How do we use your personal information?

We may use your personal information for the following purposes, or otherwise with your consent or as permitted or required by law:

a. General Business Purposes

We may use your personal information for general business purposes such as providing or delivering a product or service, managing our day-to-day business operations and websites, processing job or volunteer applications, preventing or reducing business risks, and for information, system, or network security purposes.

Specifically, we may use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • Verifying or confirming your identity;
  • Offering you our products and services;
  • Administering and managing events;
  • Processing payments for your donations and purchases of products and services;
  • Providing you with news or information about the Foundation and its initiatives;
  • Inviting you to events organized by the Foundation;
  • Inviting you to participate in or support fundraising activities organized by third parties for the benefit of the Foundation;
  • Requesting financial contributions to the Foundation;
  • Processing your contributions and commitments to the Foundation, including issuing tax receipts;
  • Managing your involvement as a volunteer for the Foundation;
  • Publishing your name and donation level (if applicable) in public donor lists of the Foundation;
  • Communicating with you, responding to inquiries about our operations, products, and services, and providing customer support;
  • Complying with laws and regulations;
  • Protecting our business interests, recovering debts, and enforcing our legal rights and interests;
  • Updating your personal information.

b. Processing Job/Volunteer Applications

If you apply for a job or volunteer position at the Foundation, we may use the personal information you provided to process and evaluate your application, conduct interviews, and perform background checks.

c. Research and Development Purposes

We may use your personal information to understand and assess your interests and needs to improve our products and services and develop new ones, as well as to evaluate potential improvements or other modifications to our website’s functionality. For example, we may use third-party web analytics services, such as Google Analytics, to help analyze how visitors use our websites. Where required by law, we use anonymized information for these purposes.

d. Marketing Purposes

We may use your personal information to provide you with personalized content and services, such as tailoring our products, services, digital experience, and offers to your preferences and profile analysis.

We may also use your personal information to communicate with you in various ways (e.g., by email, phone, text message, mail, or through our online support services) about our programs, products, services, special offers, promotions, contests, or events that may interest you.

If you no longer wish to receive our promotional offers or commercial electronic messages, please refer to Section 9, What Are Your Privacy Choices?

e. Other Purposes

We may use the collected information to protect the security of that information and our Site, or to comply with a legal obligation, if necessary.

6. When do we share your personal information with other organization?

  • The Foundation is committed to not selling your personal information to third parties. However, we may share your personal information with the following categories of individuals or other parties when permitted or required by law, including third parties outside of Quebec. In some cases, we may share your personal information with other third parties, in which case we will request your prior consent. CF Montréal and affiliated entities: Our affiliation with entities related to CF Montréal, including Société en commandite Free 2 Play, Impact de Montréal F.C., Complexe de Soccer Saputo, Player Development, L.L.C. (MLS Next), Major League Soccer, LLC, and their affiliated entities, when necessary for the purposes outlined in this Policy.
  • Our philanthropic partners: Such as Centraide, volunteers, or event organizers who contribute to the Foundation’s mission and philanthropic activities. These partners may solicit financial contributions and participate in the recruitment of other volunteers. Personal information may also be shared with them for event logistics and acknowledgment purposes.
  • Our sponsors and partners: When necessary to fulfill a mandate or sponsorship/partnership contract with the Foundation, in connection with its mission or activities, including, for example, contests.
  • Our product and service providers: When necessary to fulfill a mandate or contract entrusted to them. We may share personal information with providers offering the following services:
    • Operating and maintaining our IT systems and services, including the Foundation's website, allowing us to offer goods and services online;
    • Ticket sales for our events and 50/50 raffle, such as Bump Worldwide Inc.;
    • Professional services, such as legal or accounting services;
    • Insurance services;
    • Data hosting and archiving services;
    • Marketing services.

Where required by law, we ensure that we obtain a written commitment from our service providers to use your personal information solely for their mandate and to take reasonable security measures to protect your personal information. In all cases, the Foundation limits the personal information it discloses to third parties to what is reasonably necessary.

In certain circumstances, we may share personal information without your consent, where permitted by law, such as:

  • In situations involving a medical emergency or a threat to the safety of individuals;
  • To comply with a warrant or other order from a court or regulatory authority;
  • To protect the rights, property, or safety of the Foundation, its employees, volunteers, or others;
  • To investigate a violation of an agreement or applicable law (for example, investigating potential theft);
  • To provide information requested by an auditor, someone reviewing an accreditation request, or verifying an issued accreditation;
  • To detect, suppress, or prevent fraud;
  • When necessary as part of a contemplated or completed business transaction, such as an asset or share transfer or a merger, in accordance with applicable legal requirements. For example, we may make your personal information available to advisers or potential buyers of our business if necessary to complete the transaction and continue business operations.

7. Personal Information of minors

We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 18, unless their parent, legal guardian, or custodian has given consent. If we learn that we have collected or received personal information from a child for whom parental confirmation was required, we will delete that information from our systems.

8. Third-Party web sites

While browsing the Site, you may be offered links to social media platforms or other third-party websites or applications (collectively, "third-party websites"), such as those of CF Montréal, BMO, and Centraide. However, we are not responsible for the content or practices used by the organizations that sponsor these third-party websites. The Foundation is not responsible for the privacy practices, policies, or actions of these third parties regarding your personal information. We recommend that you carefully read the privacy statements on these third-party websites to make an informed decision about whether or not you wish to use these websites based on their privacy practices.

9. What are your privacy choices?

By using our services and/or providing us with information in the context of using our products and services, you consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. In certain cases, your consent may be "implied," meaning that your agreement is presumed based on your action or inaction at the time of collection, use, or sharing of your personal information. We generally obtain your consent when we want to use personal information for a new purpose or for purposes other than those indicated at the time of collection in this Privacy Policy or in the terms and conditions of a specific service you have signed up for or agreed to participate in, in accordance with applicable privacy laws.

You have control over how the Foundation handles your personal information. Please note that withdrawing your consent may affect our ability to continue providing communications, invitations, solicitations, acknowledgments, products, and services that you receive or wish to receive, where the use and disclosure of your personal information are necessary for these purposes.

a. Modifying Your Communication and Marketing Preferences

You can always opt out of receiving commercial or promotional messages from the Foundation by clicking "unsubscribe" in any email you receive or by contacting us using the contact details provided in the Contact us section of this Policy.

Please note that even if you choose not to receive commercial messages from us, we may still contact you as part of a service, in accordance with applicable law. Additionally, it may take up to ten (10) business days to register a change in your communication preferences across all our records.

b. Modifying Your Preferences for Social Media Advertising

You can also withdraw your consent to receive targeted advertisements on social media platforms by changing your preferences in the settings of your social media account or by contacting us using the contact information provided in the Contact us section of this Policy. If you withdraw your consent for this use, you may still see some of our ads on social media platforms, but these ads will not have been targeted using your personal information.

c. Information Collected Using Cookies and Similar Technologies

To help serve you better through websites, we may collect device-identifying information via technologies such as "cookies" and "web beacons" (also known as clear GIFs, pixel tags, or pixels) or through Internet Protocol (IP) tracking addresses.

Cookies work in the background, and you can disable them by adjusting your internet browser settings, though this may make it difficult to use certain website features,

or those features may no longer be available. We may use cookies to enhance your experience on the website, such as remembering your preferences, keeping track of your login ID and password.

We may also use cookies, web beacons, and other activity-tracking tools on the websites and through other services to collect your engagement metrics, including your personal identifiers and device-identifying information related to your activity on the websites and services.

For more information about your choices regarding cookies, you can consult the section on Access, Withdrawal, and Correction of Your Personal Information below to find out how to opt-out.

Your browser may offer a "Do Not Track" option, which allows you to signal to website operators, apps, and web services that you do not wish to be tracked online. The websites and services currently do not support " Do Not Track" requests.

10. How do we protect your Personal Information?

We implement internal policies and practices to ensure the protection of your personal information, which includes the following:

  • The designation of a Privacy Officer responsible for ensuring compliance with applicable privacy laws;


  • Policies and procedures that define the roles and responsibilities of our employees throughout the lifecycle of personal information, limiting access to personal data on a "need-to-know" basis, and governing the retention and destruction of personal information;


  • A process for handling complaints and inquiries related to personal information protection, including any privacy incidents involving personal information;


  • If information is collected or stored electronically, technical security measures such as encryption, firewalls, antivirus software, and other similar protections;


  • Contractual safeguards and other measures to ensure that service providers with whom we share personal information maintain adequate security protections and standards. For example, we generally require our service providers to limit their use and retention of personal information to what is necessary for providing their services and to notify us in the event of an actual or suspected privacy incident. We also try to monitor and verify their compliance with these requirements through various means (e.g., onsite inspections where possible, inquiries and interviews, certification evidence, etc.);


  • Offering employee training on personal information protection and information security.

Our goal is to prevent unauthorized access, loss, misuse, sharing, or modification of personal information in our possession. We also apply these protective measures when deleting or destroying your personal information.

11. How long do we retain your Personal Information?

We retain your personal information only for the duration that is reasonably necessary or relevant to achieve the purposes identified, or as permitted or required by law. Once your personal information is no longer needed, it will be securely destroyed or anonymized in accordance with applicable laws.

12. Cross-Border transfers of Personal Information

Your personal information may be transferred, stored, accessed, or used in a jurisdiction outside your place of residence (for example, outside your province or Canada) as part of our use of service providers that we have engaged. We hire these service providers for the purposes described in Section 6 above.

We make every effort to ensure that all our service providers implement reasonable security measures to protect your personal information (including technical, administrative, and physical safeguards). We strive to ensure that our service providers use your personal information only for the authorized purposes we have communicated to you or as otherwise permitted by applicable law. 

When personal information is transferred outside your province or Canada, it is subject to the laws of the foreign jurisdiction, which may differ from those in your jurisdiction. Any personal information transferred to another jurisdiction will be subject to the law enforcement, regulatory, and national security authorities of that jurisdiction. Subject to these laws, we will use contractual measures to maintain protections that ensure your personal information receives protections at least equivalent to those that apply in Canada.

13. Access, withdrawal, and correction of your Personal Information

You may have the right to access your personal information and request its correction if it is inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated, subject to the limited exceptions provided by applicable laws.

To access or correct your personal information, please contact us in writing using the relevant contact details provided in the Contact us section below.

You have the right to request that we do not process your personal data for targeted advertising, sales, or profiling purposes (i.e., automated processing of your personal data to evaluate, analyze, or predict personal aspects related to your economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behavior, location, or movements).

If you have agreed to receive communications or solicitations from us and later change your mind, please contact us in writing using the relevant contact details provided in the Contact us section below.

You can also choose to stop receiving future promotional emails from us by clicking on an unsubscribe link or "opt-out" link in any promotional email you receive. You acknowledge that if you opt out of receiving promotional correspondence from us, we may still contact you regarding your other relationships, activities, transactions, and communications with us.

14. Changes to this Policy

We may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes we make will take effect when we post a revised version of the policy on our Site. If the changes are significant, we will provide more prominent notice. By continuing to use our services or purchase our products after the revised Privacy Policy is posted or after you have been informed of the update, you accept the changes made to it.

15. Contact Us

If you have any questions or complaints regarding how we handle your personal information, please contact us at the details below:

Privacy Officer
4750, Sherbrooke East street
Montréal, Québec H1V 3S8